Trauma is treatable,
and it doesn’t take years to do it.
Dr. Louis Tinnin on Trauma
“Trauma is the biggest mental health problem of the 21st century and it is the most treatable.”
-Dr. Louis Tinnin, Psychiatrist and Co-Founder of ITR
During everyday events, our whole brain processes and stores our experiences. However, during life-threatening situations, our logical brain becomes overwhelmed, and executive function shuts down, causing traumatic stress.
The Instinctual Trauma Response is the brain and body's hard-wired survival response to trauma.
The brain and body store fragmented memories of traumatic experiences in the senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. These triggers can cause stress, fear, and anxiety and other troubling symptoms until the experience is reconsolidated, time-stamped, and stored in long-term memory as "over.
Drs. Tinnin and Gantt explain the components of ITR in this classic video below:
The ITR Approach
"Resolve the trauma first and see what is left!"
Many people say that participating in the ITR program radically changed their lives, and ITR Specialists often say it’s the only trauma approach they have seen that really works.
ITR is a noninvasive, evidence-supported approach informed by art therapy, narrative therapy, parts psychology and neuroscience. It quickly, simply, and effectively resolves trauma symptoms. ITR focuses on treating the roots of trauma rather than the symptoms. Developed by Dr. Lou Tinnin and Dr. Linda Gantt, ITR uses Graphic Narrative® and Externalized Dialogue® to recode traumatic memories from the non-verbal/emotional brain to the verbal/logical brain, allowing memory reconsolidation without reliving the experience. This greatly reduces or eliminates future symptoms and triggers.
Graphic Narrative®
Externalized Dialogue®
ITR Components
Instinctual Trauma Response describes the body’s and brain’s reaction to stressful or overwhelming experiences. ITR is predictable and understandable and the components are biologically hardwired in us for our survival. There are seven components of the Instinctual Trauma Response that are likely to happen in all traumas regardless of type. These provide the scaffold on which trauma stories are constructed
Startle, Thwarted Fight/Flight, Freeze, Altered State of Consciousness, Automatic Obedience (Compliance), and Self-Repair.
Each ITR aspect has body sensations that go along with it. The consequences of trauma can be bewildering and can change how we view ourselves, others, and the world at large.
Many people get “stuck” in one of the aspects for an extended period of time. This is known as a ‘fixed state.”

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