Trauma Can Be Healed

Instinctual Trauma Response (ITR)®

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The Instinctual Trauma Response® (ITR) is a structured approach to trauma recovery. It utilizes mechanisms found in evidence-based methods and is informed by neuroscience, art therapy, narrative therapy, and parts psychology. Developed by Drs. Louis Tinnin (psychiatrist) and Linda Gantt (art therapist), ITR provides a comprehensive framework for full recovery from the troubling symptoms caused by trauma.


The Instinctual Trauma Response® is for:

  • Professionals wanting to help a people fully recover from trauma symptoms and graduate from therapy.
  • Individuals who have tried other approaches with little to no success and are looking for something that works.
  • Individuals who view trauma as an injury, not a mental illness.
  • People who recognize coping and pharmaceuticals are not sufficient for healing trauma symptoms.
  • Those seeking a holistic and effective approach to complete trauma recovery.
  • Those who agree with resolving the traumas first to see what is left before diagnosing. 
  • Trauma survivors who believe they can assist in their healing and become trauma-effective, and parts-informed.
  • Acute trauma survivors who feel stable enough to undertake their own healing work.
  • Those who recognize the mental health system is overwhelmed and paraprofessionals need to be trained to assist.  Those who have complex trauma histories may need clinicians. Others may empowered to do their own work with support and encouragement.
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What is ITR? from ITR Training Institute on Vimeo.

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ITR® for Kids from ITR Training Institute on Vimeo.

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Grounding A Person from ITR Training Institute on Vimeo.

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We say, "Resolve the trauma first,

and then see what's left.”

Trauma symptoms very often mimic mental health disorders.

Many suffer silently, feeling they're "crazy" because nothing they've tried has worked. Many therapists are not trained to treat trauma symptoms, but instead focus on coping with them.

Drs. Tinnin and Gantt say, "There is no reason why a person should even suffer from a minimal symptom of trauma. It's easy to treat and it doesn't take long to do it,"

Instinctual Trauma Response® (ITR) recognizes trauma's potential consequences as being "stuck" in the ITR Components such as startle, fight/flight, freeze, altered consciousness, automatic obedience, or self-repair. Living with this toxic stress can be devastating, leaving many feeling hopeless and irreparably broken. Many treatment options can be confusing, slow, re-traumatizing, and yield minimal results.

ITR® addresses the root cause of trauma and resolves trauma symptoms.

Learn ITR

Who We Are

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Help For Trauma and the ITR Training Institute are proud to be a part of the Mental Health Freedom Movement. We believe in accessibility to effective mental health for all.  “Trauma is not a life sentence.” It can be resolved in a time-limited fashion.

About Us

Instinctual Trauma Response® Training

Be more than trauma-informed, be trauma-effective and parts-informed.

ITR® Certifications and CEs for mental health providers.
ITR® Training is available to anyone wanting to learn and help.

ITR Training Information


“The Instinctual Trauma Response model allows for the gentle and rapid processing of haunting traumatic memories in a matter of days, not months or years. Their sensitivity and compassion, along with their exceptionally astute understanding of trauma and the healing process, have produced a significant breakthrough in the field of trauma treatment. I applaud their work, and enthusiastically recommend ITR to all those who treat and support survivors of trauma."          

- Glenn Schiraldi, Ph.D., LTC (USAR, Ret) Author of "The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Sourcebook," "The Relience Workbook" and "The Adverse Childhood Experiences Recovery Workbook" and other books.

“Whether acute or sustained, the effects of trauma on the brain can lead not only to anguish for the client, but also to frustration for the clinician. These painful conditions, so often resistant to even the most sophisticated therapies, are now, thanks to the dedication of Drs. Tinnin and Gantt, able to be approached with a new and remarkably successful methodology. This is a model for responsible and effective care.   I think it's the most amazing methodology to hit the trauma field, and it incorporates all of the current "hot" acronyms in a much more thoughtful and personalized way than any of them.”

- Judith A. Rubin, Ph.D., ATR-BC
Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh

"I studied under Dr. Louis Tinnin, a towering figure in the field of trauma research and treatment who has been described (by Bessel van der Kolk) as ‘the greatest trauma mind of the 20th Century.’ Dr. Tinnin turned Pierre Janet’s work of the 1880’s into a comprehensive treatment model for effectively treating trauma and dissociation. I was able to assist in some of the research that demonstrated the effectiveness of this treatment. Lou taught me two very important ingredients in successfully treating trauma: the value of narrative and a fearless approach of the client’s traumatic material."

- J. Eric Gentry Ph.D., "Forward Facing Trauma Therapy"

“The therapeutic implications of this concept are profound, and are addressed in detail, providing theory and application of techniques that embrace both cognitive and non-verbal somatic/behavioral elements.”

- Robert Scaer, MD
Author of The Body Bears the Burden, The Trauma Spectrum, and Eight Keys to Body-Brain Balance

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